Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Starting a vegetable garden

About ten years ago we put in a small garden along the side of my house, for the first few years we took good care of it and had good success growing vegetalbes in it. However the past about 3 years we havent put any work into it and didnt really grow much. We planted a raspberry bush and it took over a huge portion of the garden. Originally we dumped a ton of quality top soil and mixed it in with the unproductive clay soil that we have in my area.

Today I turned over the soil and mixed in a bunch of good top soil. By braking up the chunks of clay and adding rich soil to the garden, i hope it increses the productivity this summer.

I also reclaimed a portion of the garden by cutting the raspberry back. I hope to plant a bunch here in the next week or so and have fresh produce through out the summer.Right now i am planning on planting a few tomatoe plants, green beans, lettuce, carrots and what ever other interesting seeds i find at the store.

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